Saturday 30 July 2011


I have yet to start my cache a day adventure, however the wait is killing me. I did not go out at all last week, decided that the caches that are still close to home should stay there for those days that I need to have one close by.

For the long weekend we decided to go to the family cottage and take our new northern route. Staying away from the 401 and the 135 as we head towards Peterborough. We decided to try a few caches along the way and managed to pick up three yesterday on our trip up.
One is worth mentioning, and Mark took many photos. (often our caching disguise).

Won't give any hints to were the cache was, but a neat little place that if it wasn't for caching we never would have seen it. It is off on a little side road. If you are interested, the code is GC104N4.

Still one week to go, the waiting sucks!!

Sunday 24 July 2011

A light bulb goes on.....

Today while out caching with my other half, an idea came to mind. I have always heard about other cachers accomplishing this feat and as a family we have talked about the idea, and today I decided that I definitely should start the journey. And what exactly am I referring to? A cache a day for the next year! My 40th birthday is next August and I thought, why not get a cache a day over the next year and have two great milestones to celebrate!
To help me stay motivated, I'm going to blog about the daily caches that I find and the trouble I get in along the way and then you too can also follow my journey.
My birthday is on August 7th, so the journey will be starting soon. Stay tuned!!