Saturday 28 July 2012

What a difference a day makes....

Day two of our road trip began very early, at least for me. We were up and checked out of the hotel by 6am! But we were on a mission to get to Halifax around dinner time and we didn't want to waste time sleeping.

We thought it might be interesting to try to get a cache in each of the three provinces today and we were able to accomplish or goal.

Our first cache was at the Quebec visitors centre just as we were leaving Quebec. It was an easy grab in the picnic area of the rest stop.

Then it was back on the road. Yesterday I struggled with the boredom in the car. C said I should enjoy the scenery. Well yesterday I'd seen enough trees and they all looked the same. But today was totally different. The views through Eastern Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were amazing!

The view from the car.

The worlds longest covered bridge. This stop was the highlight of the day! Totally amazing!
There was a cache here buy we couldn't find it. :(

More views taken from the car.

This was our cache in New Brunswick. It was at the historical Kings Landing rest stop.

Then we plowed on until we reached Nova Scotia and stopped at the first visitors centre in Amhyrst. We picked up a quick park and grab cache here, just a small micro so no picture. Instead I just took a photo of the welcome sign.

Two hours later we were at our hotel! Quick refresh and off to visit my little brother! It's been several years since we've seen each other and the next few days should be fun.

Well that's it for tonight! The journey continues tomorrow.......

1 comment:

  1. Shoot - I see my comment that I wrote yesterday did NOT make it through. I wondered. totally inept and totally operator error.

    Glad you arrived - don't know how you can do a long road trip like that - I'd be bored to DEATH - I'd be fighting with MG to get my hands behind the wheel and even then!!!! Tell him to lighten UP!!!! Just wait til the kids want to drive the car!!!

    Next time - try taking hand stitching!!! Have a great trip - I'll be waiting for updates.
